速報APP / 商業 / IPD Analytics

IPD Analytics



檔案大小:62.1 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 12.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


IPD Analytics(圖1)-速報App

IPD Analytics, the industry-leader in drug life-cycle insights, brings clarity to pharmacy and therapeutics management, with podcasts outlining tactical strategies for formulary optimization, drug pipeline planning, and clinical, contracting, and market-access decision making.

With the IPD Analytics App, access a library of podcasts and transcripts featuring our Executive Clinical Pharmacy team, who discuss:

IPD Analytics(圖2)-速報App

- Hot topics surrounding high-cost and complex drugs

- Impactful generic, brand, and biosimilar launches coming down the pipeline

IPD Analytics(圖3)-速報App

- Strategies to improve outcomes, lower pharmacy spend, and optimize formulary design

- Popular questions frequently asked by payers, providers, and drug manufacturers across the United States

IPD Analytics(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad